Introducing a brand-new reading program with the World's Cutest Turtle: Purple Turtle.
English Graded Readers serve as a natural bridge, helping readers build up to native-level materials. Deliberate repetition of carefully chosen new vocabulary enables readers to infer meaning from context. Because they can be read and enjoyed without struggle, Graded Readers build skills and confidence.
English Graded Readers - LEVEL 3 - BEGINNER (12 BOOKS PACK)
The third level features longer stories with new vocabulary. Level 3 comes with 12 books of graded readers written by Imogen Kingsley. The set follows Lexile and ATOS methodology focussing embarking English Language Training (ELT) to the young minds.
Word Count: 250 to 350
ATOS: up to 2.0
Lexile: up to 300 L
• Melody’s Magic Show
• If I Were. . .
• Purple and the Rainbow
• Roxy and Zing Go Sailing
• Purple Grows a Garden
• Purple Learns About Birds
• The Big Birthday Calendar
• The Rhyme Game
• Many Kinds of Homes
• Biggy Feels Bad
• The Treasure Hunt
• So Many Jobs!